Happy 2020!… is what I would say if it hasn’t started out everyone being quarantined. Oof. So we only posted one page last year and we would like to apologize for it. I could tell you guys why we didn’t post much last year, but I’m going to sum it up to life got in the way. We’re hopefully back, but with some exceptions.

For starters the update schedule is going to be a biweekly update, as in, every other Saturday. This is because that we’re both working full-time jobs, so there’s going to be days where I can’t get a chance to get to my desk. This is also because of my lower back issues, until I can get a better chair, I will not be able to draw as much as I want to (I’m even taking several breaks to write this).

The second thing we wanted to talk about was that the Patreon page is gone. We decided that having a patreon for this comic wasn’t a good idea and instead we’ll be using Ko-Fi instead. We have changed the support page.

Thirdly, once this chapter is done we’ll be taking a short break to start revamping the first chapter of the comic. I’ll try to sketch some doodles and much, but I can’t make any promises.

Thank you guys so much for your patient and enjoy reading our comic!

Side note: If you guys haven’t noticed, I’m slowly changing my internet handle to DreamyMetal. I’ve had KitKatMuffin for so long that it’s kind of grown out of me and I really wanted to change it up.